
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Back in the Saddle-bags...

Well, I've been forced, cruelly, to take a few days off the work-outs.  Some mix of horrid cold and severe allergies have been knocking my sinuses out of commission.

I did go do the work-out scheduled with Average Joe on Thursday, but...that's about the size of it.  Most of the work-out with him was spent with him snapping his fingers in my face wondering "Where did you just go, Maggie?"

Because apparently I would stare off into space mid-lift. Literally, mid I would rest in the 'flexed' position and stare off into space thanks to cold medicine.

I have not done much in the way of cardio--unless you, like 'myfitnesspal' count everyday chores as cardio. 

Today--I really should get back in the gym.  I know it's Sunday, but I am betting there will not be many people there.  (Being the day after St Paddy's Day).
Not sure who owns this above--it came around Facebook yesterday.

 And, since I have a legs day tomorrow, I really should do something before training, right?
Found this on Pinterest of all places---but searched it on Youtube for ease :)

Yeah, maybe I should stop watching Downton Abbey?

Someone needs to get me a cup of coffee, and 86 me from Starbucks before I get back in my three a day habit.  After just a few days off, I am pretty sure my saddlebags are fully engaged now.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it horrid how fast all that hard work goes to hell when we get sick or take a few days off from working out? So what, we have to work out for the rest of our LIVES??!?! Well that just sucks.
