

I am Maggie, I went to high school with Betsy in Vermont, when we were both skinny as heck. Kinda. She was, I was still fluffy around the edges.

I am married and have three kids, am finishing my master's degree (will it ever be over), and am currently looking for a job.   The job hunt is what started the working out, because I found it all so overwhelming, being under 35, a woman, and a post 9/11 Veteran--all of which apparently put me at a disadvantage in the job market.

When I started posting on facebook about the experiences with my first ever personal trainer (I was in the Army for six years, I can take it), Betsy suggested I start writing it in the blog--because 24Hour Fitness happened to match me with a trainer who is equally witty and obnoxious as I am.   When I decided to go ahead (about a week into it) we found that Betsy was also working on some health and wellness issues. 

So even though we are 3,000 miles apart and haven't seen each other for 15 years, we are in this together.

View Margaret (Maggie) Shartel's profile on LinkedIn

View MaggieShartel's profile on slideshare
Margaret Shartel's VisualCV

1 comment:

  1. I like what you did with this! I need to jazz mine up now to keep up ;)
