
Saturday, May 26, 2012

The worst allergies I've ever had...North of the Mason Dixon Line

Yes, I know what the Mason Dixon line actually is.  And, for most of my life I have lived north of it.

Which, I suppose is why I didn't feel that much in allergies until I went to Texas for 18 or so, long, grueling months.  During that time I could not breathe on a daily basis--so, well exercise was so out of the picture.  I guess I got used to that excuse.

It's spring here in Washington state, late spring, but spring nonetheless. I got tested for allergies in Texas--the 60 most common allergies in Texas.  After finding out I was so allergic to certain things that they really couldn't decide if I was allergic to anything else--although they suspected--it was a relief to move back north and have "seasonal" allergies again instead of 24/7/365 allergies.

Then this season came along. Holy crap what is going on with the allergies this year--because I know I am not the only one who is suddenly taking any kind of allergy medicine I can get my hands on, just to get through the day.

But the real issue is, I am so used to using that whole post-nasal-drip thing as an excuse to not exercise that here I am, end of May and contemplating cancelling my gym membership.  But that's just all kinds of wrong, right?

Where is my allergy med of the week now, I should really at least take a short walk...

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