

I am 33, stay at home mom of 3, living in Vermont.
I've always worked since I was 13 years old and having my third child 2 years ago I decided to try staying home and raising her up right.  I still feel like I am playing hookey every single day!

Before third child I was super skinny, mostly muscle, and fairly hot.  Post third child, well, it has taken me 2 years to get back down to close to my pre-preg weight.  I'm pretty sure any hotness I had is hard to see under the huge bags under my eyes, dry skin, and hormonal hair.  Its all good though.  I've got one of those husbands that thinks I am hot even when I haven't showered in a few days.

 As far as fitness goes I am on a quest to regain some of my former strength, energy, and ultimately health through trying wacky things and blogging about them.  

Maggie and I went to high school and I am the proud owner of several embarrassing photos of her.  They work great for blackmail!  She is one of the few people who get my sense of humor 99% of the time.  She was and is and always will be my BFF.

I am also author of the blog The Post-Partum Post and freelance hobbyist photographer under the name of Moonshine Photography.

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