
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I walked into the gym today with a mind to 'take it easy' and only do about a half hour on the elliptical trainer.   Trouble is, I had a lunch interview yesterday, so I had to 'split the workout.' Which is difficult at best.  First there is the motivation factor--I had already worked with Average Joe for an hour of humiliating squats, balance ball work, and that blasted kettle ball--what is that all about anyhow.

So, coming back to the gym after a leisurely lunch in my spanks--because I am not quite there with the jiggle yet, was traumatic.  I ended up doing about 35 minutes on the elliptical yesterday--three hours after my warm up and one hour in my own personal hell.

Squat really is an unpleasant word, you know?
Photo Credit

No, no, that's not me...Average Joe is not that nice.  He has me turn the Bosu over so that the stable side is under my feet, you know, in case I get 'cocky' like Booth's belt buckle.
Photo Credit
I admit, I wore that same belt buckle during my interview,  under my highly professional suit, with an emerald green shirt, because Mommy said to.  "It brings out your eyes, and it's such a dreary day up here anyhow.  May as well add a little 'pop.'"  But, I digress...again.

So yesterday, I cramped up at 35 minutes to the point of stopping --probably all the water at lunch.  Nothing like going to Olive Garden for their water.  And Dry Salad.

Today, I had every intention of doing the same, you know taking it easy.  But I could see Average Joe from the corner of my eye during the warm up--which put the kabash on that.

So, like anyone who has lost their mind--and had a hearty breakfast of a cup of Chobani Yogurt (Fat-free Raspberry) and TWO count 'em, TWO Grande, Triple, Non-fat, Caramel Macchiato's at 120 degrees (so I can chug rather than sip), Stirred--instant gratification rather than waiting for the caramel at the bottom--I started the interval training program on the elliptical.  You know so it's obvious that I am sweating.


25 minutes in, my friend called, so I answered, no doubt out of breath.  She is like "Why did you stop?"


But here's the thing... I...felt...A-MAZING after the interval training.  It was so awesome. I know the calculations on the calorie counter on the elliptical were dead wrong, but I totally didn't care.  I did another 30 minutes at regular (high) level, just not too fast. 

When I finished, I felt better than almost any workout to this point. Totally, going to do the intervals again as I can. I was dripping with sweat, felt like the macchiato's weren't going to make my body seize, and was really ready for the day.

When I got home and was about to get in the shower--I got the call from Aidan's school to come pick him up because he had a bad day and was throwing a typical Aidan fit. 

There went my high from the workout.


1 comment:

  1. LOL so every time i see on FB that you are heading to your work out should I wait half an hour and then call you? ;)

    I totally need to get one of those Bosu balls. Like a hole in the head.
